Lupus, Babies and …….Vegan?

Hi Guys,

First I just want to say thanks for all the messages and feedback I received after my first post. I loved sharing my story with everyone and it was great to meet others who could relate. Please leave comments, follow and share my blog. Also please ensure you’re following my twitter and instagram pages @lupus_gurl .

So on to my next topic…..

I want a baby.

I got married in the summer of 2013 and since I have been married everyone asks me, “so when you having kids?”, “where’s the babies?”, “what you guys waiting on, start a family”. To be honest they’re the most annoying questions because I do want children.

Now those who really know me will be kind of shocked because well…children don’t really like me hah! Seriously I get scared when I hold them! I’m not good at the cute, baby talk thing and to be honest I think most babies look the same till their at least 1 month old. However I want nothing more than to have my own family. I want a little mini me that I can push around in an overpriced buggy and have people tell me how cute she is and me tell them, “she so good, hardly ever cries.” We’ll have family picnics and we will go to Butlins and when they’re really good I’ll surprise them with a trip to Toys R Us. I have it all planned but unfortunately I also have Lupus.

So on the 6th of March 2015 I had an appointment at The Lupus Unit in Guys Hospital in London and told them exactly what I am telling you guys.

I want a Baby.

The doctor asked me when, I said well maybe end of the year. He said that was a good time frame from now, which was great, but then he wanted to discuss the issues.

I’m going to break down exactly what he said to me. We discussed the following:

Fertility: Lupus does not make you infertile. Yay!

Flare of Lupus during pregnancy: 30%-40% of all Lupus patients have a disease flare up whilst pregnant however this can be controlled with increase in steroids.

Timing of pregnancy: The safest time to get pregnant is during a period of remission, when the symptoms are under control for at least 6 months.

Medications during Pregnancy: All my current meds apart from Ramipril (controls blood pressure) are safe to take during pregnancy.

Antiphospholipid antbodies: I tested positive for these antibodies ( sticky blood / prone to blood clot ) which means an increase in chances of miscarriages and late pregnancy complications but current meds should help lower risks.

Lupus Nephritis:  This is Issues with the kidneys which is what I have and can bring on complications in pregnancy such as preeclampsia.

And last but not least, I have Anti-Ro and anti-la antibody positive: The possibility of delivering a child with neonatal lupus/ congenital heart block. The baby could been born with lupus rashes on their body. Increased risk by 1%- 3%.

He then told me I will need to stop my Ramipril and come back in 6 months time to see him. If I continue making progress he will agree its safe for me to start baby making. At least that part will be fun.

I left the hospital not knowing how to feel. How I stopped myself from breaking down in the hospital I will never know. I just kept thinking about what could go wrong….

But then I said to myself that Lupus is not going to beat me. I’m meant to have the little girl ( or boy ) and the trips to Butlins. I am going to have a child, I will survive my pregnancy and my child will not have Lupus.

I refuse to let Lupus dictate my life. I know I talk about it a lot and call myself Lupus Gurl but I talk about having Lupus because there is not enough awareness about it, not because Lupus controls my life. I also talk about it because since my diagnosis I still live my life, I still go out and I still work full time and I still achieve things a healthy person achieves. I want to show other people that Lupus does not have to win! You could read this and think, damn you got it hard but I know people who have it harder. I will find a way to overcome Lupus.

So that brings me on to my next point.


Since the 2nd of March I have been on a Vegan diet. No meat, no fish, no dairy. I know what you’re thinking, its only been like 2 weeks, but I’m Black and I haven’t ate MEAT, FISH or DAIRY for over 2 weeks; that’s like a lifetime mate! I’m also cutting down on alcohol, I’ve had none so far in March. The point of this is to see if natural foods will help to heal my body. A vegan diet is supposed to have a lot of health benefits such as increasing energy, lowering cholesterol and its full of anti-flammatory foods. For example I eat wholegrain rice, bread, lots of green veg and fruit. There are some treats, for example this evening I’m treating myself to strawberries dipped in organic dark chocolate (No milk). It has actually been a fun challenge. So far I haven’t really felt any different though but I’ll let you guys know how I’m feeling by the end of the month and if I’m going to stick with Vegan diet for the near future.

Remember to share your comments and thoughts and if you are vegan or have another diet I can try, let me know!

Until next time…Bye

Lupus, Babies and …….Vegan?

17 thoughts on “Lupus, Babies and …….Vegan?

  1. Gillian says:

    I’m loving the positivity! Speak what you want into life. I’m looking forward to a mini Rachel…… (sorry hubby) YOUR FIRST CHILD WILL BE A GIRL. I can’t wait lol…..I’m coming to butlins as well lol. Well done on your diet so far…..really proud of you 🙂

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  2. I think I’m getting really close to finally getting my Lupus diagnosis. I had and still have 4 healthy babies, only they are not babies anymore. I did have 2 miscarriages that were heartbreaking, but luckily I am Fertile Myrtle and got pregnant 1st try with all 6 pregnancies. I did have to spend the last 3 months of all 4 pregnancies on complete bed rest because I had preeclampsia with them all. As long as you follow the doctor’s orders, hopefully, you will be making an announcement soon. I have Factor V Leiden. I did get a superficial blood clot in my lower leg with one of my pregnancies. My pregnancies weren’t easy, but we all survived. I have so many chronic illnesses and a new rheumatologist, so I’m praying and praying I can finally get the proper diagnosis. I have over 20 diagnoses, if you research every one of them, there’s one word that appears in every single one and that word is LUPUS! I wish you the best on your endeavor of baby making. I’ll keep you in my prayers. You sound super strong, you can do this. Take care. xx

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    1. Thank you. This was an amazing thing to share. It makes me happy to know you came through it and got what u desire. It’s stories like this that keep me strong. I pray you get your diagnosis so they can treat you with the right medication. Lupus comes in all shapes and sizes and that’s the issue, it’s hard to diagnose as your condition won’t be the same as mine or another patient. But you have a new rheumy and that’s always positive. Stay I touch xx


      1. Excellent. I always love to have a new friend. I love friends from all walks of life, but to have friends that GET your pain, is bittersweet, but it makes the journey well worth walking when you’re not walking it alone. New rheumy friend, I so look forward to getting to know you and to follow your awesome blog. And, of course I can’t wait til you make the special announcement and then to see the beautiful pictures. It can happen and it WILL. You have the determination and a great doctor, no worries. Take care and have an awesome day! 🙂 I’m not having such a great day and I’m staying in bed all day, devoting this time to get out there and read as many awesome blogs as I can today. It’s hard enough to keep up with my own because I have the need to reply to every comment I get, and being so sick and tired all the time, it’s not always easy to do that. So glad to have found yours and to have gained another friend. 🙂


  3. I love your determination and wise attitude to dealing with the feedback given by your doctor. As a Lupus sufferer myself I know it’s not easy hearing the but news when all you want is to hear is yes without the buts. However, as you said in your blog, Lupus won’t control you and the sentence that comes after the but doesn’t have to be negative as you have the ability to change it around. I also tried a vegan fast when I was having a flare and it really was effective. So I commend you doing it on a permanent basis. I have tried to incorporate some elements into my diet like reducing on the diary and will be changing to almond milk. Also I have been cutting down on my alcohol and meat intake but won’t cut them out completely unless I feel too.
    I love your two blogs so far and look forward to seeing more. Knowledge is power!

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  4. Melissa says:

    Love your new blog!! (I’m @___lilla___ on twitter by the way 😉) I was a vegetarian for 20 yrs, then a gluten free, soy free vegan for 2 yrs. Just recently though, due to my diet becoming so restricted my rheumy asked if I would be willing to incorporate fish into my diet. So, I’m now a pescetarian. My newest diet is completely grain free and almost completely Paleo (not by choice… my body is rejecting grains and nearly all beans and legumes), dairy free, doy free and meat free except for fish. In all honesty, the drs believe that I am as healthy as I am due to my healthy diet. I also don’t eat refined sugar (again, not by choice… my body reacts horribly to it), eat organic and Non GMO 90% of the time, no processed foods. It’s hard but my lupus is on the more severe side and I am super sensitive to things. I flare easily if I stop pampering my body. I know you can accomplish this vegan diet…. you’re already doing amazing with it!!! Keep up the good work and I know you’ll see great results 🙂

    On another note, I had my daughter at 28 weeks gestation, making her a micro preemie. My kidneys went out of control BUT when I decided to get pregnant was when I was diagnosed with lupus induced kidney disease. My drs gave me a choice to try to have a baby right then or to start meds and possibly have issues with getting pregnant later on down the line. So… the hubby and I chose to get preggers. My daughter is now a happy, healthy 8.5 yr old and I lived (barely though!!). You are going about everything the RIGHT WAY. I just know you’re going to be much more successful than myself with your pregnancy. And, if anything at all even goes slightly wrong, just remember your friend across the pond with the 1 pound 12 ounce micro preemie who not only survived, but thrived. God is good. You’ve got this!!


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    1. Thank u, thank you, thank you. This really has made me determined. To be honest I’m not sure if certain foods effect me more than others but I thought if I go natural maybe ill find out. I’m trying to go gluten free too but I’m not completely I must admit. Thank you for sharing with me xx


  5. I wish you luck with having a baby. I have 8 diseases Severe SLE being one of them all treatments have failed I am currently on the max dose of CYTOXAN fighting as hard as I can and have many other issues. I had to see a fertility specialist prior to starting cytoxan because they put you into menopause to preserve your fertility from the chemo. I was told with how severe my lupus is and my other issues I should never carry a child or genetically have a child as well. I have been sick since 14 so for a little of 13 years now and I always knew in the back of my mind I wouldn’t have a biological kid because I couldn’t pas on all my diseases that have crippled my life. I am housebound mostly bedridden lost most all my dreams and life I kind of just survive. And only have one ovary due to losing one to an ovarian disease but it was strange to finally have a doctor look me in the eye and recommend I never do that. So now they just preserve my ovary for the hormones to come back after chemo.
    So thank you for sharing your story of hope that there are people out there with this disease that still can get to enjoy and go through that miracle and I hope it goes wonderfully for you! Sending warm wishes! #LUOUSWARRIORS

    – Meg


    1. Thank you Megan for sharing also. I admire you as you seem to not let it defeat you, you are not negative but still send me a positive message. Thanks and stay in touch xxx


      1. you as well. Please stay in touch and let me know how it goes. I am routing for you all the way!!! those little bundles of joy are such miracles, but remember there are so many ways to make a family just in case! 🙂

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  6. Lupusgirl I know someone who was hospitalised for over 3 months and came out to later get married and have 2 babies, a boy and girl. So don’t give up. Everything is possible and I have every faith in God n you that you will have a baby. Keep going you will get there.

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